Monday, October 11, 2010

Can you say "structural failure kills hundreds"? Sure you can. Probably even under oath in court.

Video of the balcony bouncing at The Fabulous Fox Theatre, St. Louis during the 6.16.09 Phish show.
(Great tip from Doug McDonald - Thanks Doug!)

Video of the balcony bouncing at the Fox Theatre, Detroit during the 1.16.10 Nick Jonas show.  The Detroit and St. Louis Fox Theatres are basically identical buildings.

Despite the ampped-up headline for this blog entry, the readers should note that a little bit of structural flexing is typical in many balcony structures.  However, you should also realize that the structural engineer in 1928 may not have fully anticipated this kind of a crowd response.  Thankfully, the audience members were not fully synchronized in their jumping up-n-down to the beat.

For more insight into this trype of structural event, the book "Why Buildings Fall Down; How Structures Fail" by Matthys Levy and Mario Salvadori is a good read.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where's Waldo Hiding? Is Waldo a Fire Extinguisher?

And did you notice that the stuff parked in front of the Fire Extinguisher is all flammable, too?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blocked Fire Exits - Live at 10 o'clock

When it comes to Fire Exits, it is amazing what I find in them.  Above is an exit corridor with a big sign, a large screen rear projection TV, and other miscellaneous stuff.  Please take the time to put this junk somewhere that it does not block an exit!