A discussion of safety in the Performing Arts for professionals, students, teachers, and administrators. A sometimes terrifying look at some surprising conditions, what you might do about them; and how to plan for better safety in your facility, teaching program, and career.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Lineset Numbering - It's not just for the index strip!
Here are some good examples of rigging management. Not only are the index strips and arbors CLEARLY numbered, but the batten end, loft blocks, and head blocks are also marked..JPG)
This also makes it easy to keep lineset inspection records straight during your annual safety check-up.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Round and round we go . . .
Occasionally we'll run into these in really old facilities. Although quaint and historic, they are really dangerous. These are round counterweights. Note that there is no top clamp, and nothing to keep them from sliding off of the center rod. They really belong in a stage equipment museum display, not on a stage..JPG)

Monday, June 22, 2009
Toe busters!
Here is a metal strip that was intended to cover the transition from a sprung wood stage floor to the adjacent tile on concrete floor.
Here you can see a side view of the metal showing how it has become bent and sticks up into the travel path.
Here is a floor pocket that was not properly installed and is resting upon the stage floor deck instead of being set flush with the wood surface.
Friday, June 19, 2009
And you really can't do this !
The earlier post about blocked exit corridors was just the beginning of this subject. This is probably one of the most dangerous and common problems I find in theatres. IF THE PATHWAY LEADS TO AN EXIT DOOR - THEN IT MUST BE KEPT CLEAR!
Also note the broken emergency light and burned-out EXIT sign lamp. This door was at stage left.
This vestibule was at a house left leading from the audience chamber to the outside exit. This vestibule was also feed from the stage by doors on the left (barely visible in the picture). It had a table, chair, and loudspeaker cabinet all in the travel path.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
And when she gets there she knows...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
You can't do that!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Standardized set pieces for One Act Play competition need love, too! Drop them and they break. The next thing that might break is the actor using it. Don't just toss them into trucks, trailers, and storage rooms. Always inspect and repair before use!
Look closely, and you can see that the lower 1x3 stabilizers both have knots in them and they are cracking. Yet another failure mode in progress.
Student stagehands take note: These things are heavy and shouldn't be moved by one person - You can hurt your back by lifting too much.
You should also be wearing ANSI standard steel-toed OSHA approved work boots (PPE). If you drop a piece like this on your foot it can do a lot of damage if you are wearing flip-flops, sandals, or tennis shoes.
And lastly: This is another good reason to be wearing leather gloves (PPE) when you are moving these things -- they can have nails, staples, tacks, and splinters that can really rip you up.
Student stagehands take note: These things are heavy and shouldn't be moved by one person - You can hurt your back by lifting too much.
You should also be wearing ANSI standard steel-toed OSHA approved work boots (PPE). If you drop a piece like this on your foot it can do a lot of damage if you are wearing flip-flops, sandals, or tennis shoes.
And lastly: This is another good reason to be wearing leather gloves (PPE) when you are moving these things -- they can have nails, staples, tacks, and splinters that can really rip you up.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Burning Stones
NFPA Life Safety Code 101, paragraphs & specifically requires scenery and stage properties ('props') to be constructed of noncombustible materials.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
It should be well hung when its wall hung.
Not everything gets rigged from above. Sometimes it is necessary to hang a cantelever load off a wall. This speaker weighs about 125 pounds and is supported from below by a steel bracket bolted to the wall, and the top is tied-back with an interesting mix of hardware.
This is a close-up of the top rigging. I could not see how the link chain was terminated to the top of the speaker. There is link chain (not rated for overhead lifting), connected to an aluminum turnbuckle (not moused, not rated for overhead lifting) via an open-ended hook at one end and an open eye bolt at the other; connected to a forged turnbuckle eye; via a stainless steel screw-pin shackle (unknown rating, but clearly not marked) that is not safety-wired (moused). The forged turnbuckle eye that was used to go through the wall should have been a sholder eye bolt with a large diameter hardened flat washer -- you can see how the base of the eye in pulled into the CMU block, possibly cracking it due the wedging forces.
When we go around to the back-side of the wall we find that the installer drilled through from the front and spalled the CMU block, then installed a mild steel flat washer and no lock-washer.
This speaker, and it brother on the opposite side of the stage, were mounted right above the walking paths of all those that came onto the stage. Also of note, although not a safety issue, was that this speaker was pointed straight-out from the wall toward a point about eight feet above the last row of seats -- whatever happened to the idea of aiming a speaker at the people? Obviously installed by someone that did not understand rigging or acoustics!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Those aren't all they're cracked-up to be.
Modern rope locks are made from formed & welded steel plates. Older ones were made with cast metal and are more prone to stress cracks, and ultimately failure. Another good reason to do an annual inspection! Never load you rope locks to more than the recommended 50 pounds - keep your sets balanced and 'in-weight'. The rope lock may be stronger, but do you really want to find-out? This is also why you don't want to use your rope locks for rope brakes -- a dynamic load like a moving set and/or counterweight carraige can place much more strain on a rope lock than you would ever imagine.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
[Wire] Rope Terminations at Arbors
The fiber hauling line does not have a thimble either, which acts to buffer the abrasive casting finish against the rope surface. Here is a picture of an arbor bottom plate with a plastic rope thimble (they are also available as a metal type):
This is a very old wire guided arbor with extended eye bolts for attachments (again, no thimbles to reduce the point-load on the rope bending point). You can also see that the top plate is tilted showing that the arbor has been racked and is skewed diagonally.
Here is the top of a double-width arbor (carries two stacks of weight). Again, no thimbles. It appears that the installer tied a clove hitch and then terminated the cable with just one wire rope clip. I don't know where the loose nut (partially hidden) that was laying on top of the arbor top plate came from . . .
And here is a the top of a new arbor that is properly terminated. Note that the load lines can be disconnected without cutting the cable. This makes them much easier to work on and replace if necessary. You can also see how the wire rope cables are not deformed as they bend around the thimble. Also of note is the safety wire (mousing) on the screw-pin shackle to keep it from coming apart. It's unknown why the front-most line was attached with a shackle when the other lines were looped around a through-bolt.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Cover me !
- The installer elected to screw into the box from the adjacent panelboard (I sure hope he killed power before he went in there!) so that there were two sharp pointed sheet metal screws protruding into the handibox about an inch or so (if you hadn't noticed, the screws that are intended to protrude into an electrical box are always blunt ended), and
- There is no bushing through the holes connecting the two boxes, thus leaving sharp metal edges to nick the wire insulation where the knock-out was removed.
- The source power comes into the box as a white (presumably neutral) conductor and a green (presumably line voltage) conductor, and then depart to the load as a non-standard RED (presumably neutral) conductor and a standard black line voltage conductor. Well, at least they got the NEC color coding scheme half right . . .
- There is no dedicated ground conductor, as the conduit connections are relied upon for ground continuity. See: http://theatresafetyblog.blogspot.com/2009/04/whats-wrong-with-this-picture.html, and http://theatresafetyblog.blogspot.com/2009/04/electrical-safety-grounding-continuity.html for more discussion of this topic.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Not to mention getting grease all over your nice clean black stagehand uniform . .
This is a motorized counter-weighted grand drape curtain system that has no guards on the chain drive. Note that the operation buttons are right UNDER the wire-guided counterweight arbor, too. You can also see that the guide wire on the left is significantly deflected from the guide spool on the arbor carraige, which indicates that the system is misaligned, thus increasing the rate of wear on the guide spool and/or the guide wire. Also, you have to lean over and reach past all of the equipment to get to the power disconnect on the wall. 
Excerpt from OSHA Regulations:
1926.307(f) "Gears, sprockets, and chains" -
1926.307(f)(1) "Gears."
Gears shall be guarded in accordance with one of the following methods:
(i) By a complete enclosure; or
(ii) By a standard guard as described in paragraph (o) of this section, at least 7 feet high and extending 6 inches above the mesh point of the gears; or
(iii) By a band guard covering the face of gear and having flanges extended inward beyond the root of the teeth on the exposed side or sides. A disk guard or a complete enclosure to the height of 6 feet shall be required where any portion of the train of gears guarded by a band guard is less than 6 feet from the floor.
1926.307(f)(3) "Sprockets and chains."
All sprocket wheels and chains shall be enclosed unless they are more than 7 feet above the floor or platform.
An ANSI Standard formatted sign is also recommended:
Excerpt from OSHA Regulations:
1926.307(f) "Gears, sprockets, and chains" -
1926.307(f)(1) "Gears."
Gears shall be guarded in accordance with one of the following methods:
(i) By a complete enclosure; or
(ii) By a standard guard as described in paragraph (o) of this section, at least 7 feet high and extending 6 inches above the mesh point of the gears; or
(iii) By a band guard covering the face of gear and having flanges extended inward beyond the root of the teeth on the exposed side or sides. A disk guard or a complete enclosure to the height of 6 feet shall be required where any portion of the train of gears guarded by a band guard is less than 6 feet from the floor.
1926.307(f)(3) "Sprockets and chains."
All sprocket wheels and chains shall be enclosed unless they are more than 7 feet above the floor or platform.
An ANSI Standard formatted sign is also recommended:
Monday, June 1, 2009
The rain in Spain falls mainly . . .
When designing a theatre is it vital that the various design trades coordinate closely both inside and out. This can prevent conduits, pipes, and ducts from crossing catwalks and rigging systems, too.
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